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Veterans Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs administers a wide variety of education benefit programs for veterans and their dependents. Agnes Scott assists students in taking full advantage of these benefits.

What are the different types of VA Educational Benefits?

The Post-9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®. This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill® also offers some service members the opportunity to transfer their GI Bill® to dependents.

The Post 9/11 GI Bill® will pay eligible individuals (prorated by eligibility level):

  • $24,476.79 for tuition and fees per academic year, paid directly to Agnes Scott.
  • A monthly housing allowance and up to $1,000 in books and supplies stipend, both paid directly to the student.

Dependents' Educational Assistance provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 36 months of education benefits. DEA benefits are paid directly to the student.

Monthly rates are $1,298 per month in the 2022-2023 academic year, pro-rated by the number of days in the academic calendar.

To be eligible you must be the son, daughter or spouse of:

  • A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. The disability must arise out of active service in the Armed Forces.
  • A veteran who died from any cause while such permanent and total service-connected disability was in existence.
  • A service member missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force.
  • A service member forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
  • A service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service-connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability.

The MGIB® program provides up to 36 months of education benefits. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty. This program is also commonly known as Chapter 30. Service members who served after September 10, 2001, can also apply for up to an additional 12 months of entitlement under Chapter 33, the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, once their 36 months of benefit for Chapter 30 expire. They may also convert to Chapter 33 in lieu of their Chapter 30 benefits before their Chapter 30 benefits expire.

The benefit is a monthly stipend paid directly to the student.

If you’re a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard, you may be able to get up to 36 months of education and training benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) program.

You can get education benefits if you meet the requirements listed below.

One of these must be true:

  • You have a 6-year service obligation (you agreed to serve 6 years) in the Selected Reserve, or
  • You’re an officer in the Selected Reserve and you agreed to serve 6 years in addition to your initial service obligation

And all of these must also be true. You:

  • Finish your initial active duty for training (IADT), and
  • Get a high school diploma or something of equal value, like a High School Equivalency Diploma or GED, before finishing IADT, and
  • Stay in good standing while serving in an active Selected Reserve unit.
Apply for VA Benefits
Complete your '24-25 VA Enrollment Certification Form

“The liberal arts may not seem like the most traditional foundation for a military career, but the leadership skills and activism that I honed at Agnes Scott translated well to my role as a Navy flight surgeon.”

Lt. Cmdr. Sarah-Blythe Ballard '02, M.D., M.P.H.

Applying for VA Benefits

All applications for VA benefits can be completed online at the VA Education website. While online is the quickest and most efficient way, if you need to use a paper form please see the documents listed below. (documents attached)

Type of Student Form
Dependent's first time application for VA education benefits (Chapter 33) VA Form 22-1990e
Dependent's first time application for VA education benefits (Chapter 35) VA Form 22-5490
Veterans first time applying for VA education benefits VA Form 22-1990
Request for change of program and/or transferring to a new school (NOT Chapter 35) VA Form 22-1995
Request for change of program and/or transferring to a new school (Chapter 35) VA Form 22-5495

Each month, VA Chapter 33 recipients are asked to complete enrollment verification. Find more information here.

Frequently Asked Questions

It usually takes 30-90 days to process applications for educational benefits for new students and 30-60 days for students who are changing schools.
Call 1.888.442.4551 if you have any questions for the VA. You can also email the VA by going to Click on Ask a Question and follow the instructions.
The VA School Certifying Official (the Financial Aid Office) certifies VA students in the VA-ONCE computer system, maintains student records and notifies the VA of any student or curricular changes. The VA School Certifying Official does not process VA applications.
We can certify Chapter 30 and Chapter 33 benefits 60 days before the start of the term. We can certify Chapter 35 benefits 30 days before the start of the term.

New /Transfer Students

  • A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility that you received from the VA.
  • Completion of ASC Veteran Enrollment Certification Form (Issued by ASC VA Office)

Returning Students

  • Completion of ASC Veteran Enrollment Certification Form (Issued by ASC VA Office)

Agnes Scott College participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program. In addition to the Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits ($24,476.79 for full-time students), we will contribute up to $10,000 in funds which will be matched by the Veteran’s Administration.

You may be eligible if:

  • You served an aggregate period of active duty after September 10, 2001, or at least 36 months;
  • You were honorably discharged from active duty for a service-connected disability and you served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001;
  • You are a dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post-9/11 GI Bill based on a veteran’s service under the eligibility criteria listed above.

For more information visit Yellow Ribbon program and veteran eligibility.

Yes. We certify you as taking accelerated summer courses during both of Agnes Scott’s five-week summer sessions. Agnes Scott College Yellow Ribbon money, however, is only available for the fall and spring terms.
You need to keep the VA Certifying Official updated on any changes to your major, mailing address, marital status or credit hours.
Students are paid the housing allowance directly from the VA. The payment arrives at the end of the month and is based upon the zip code of the school you are attending. Contact the VA directly for more information.
This stipend of $1,000 is paid annually in a lump sum to the student directly from the VA. Contact the VA directly for more information.
Yes. but the HOPE scholarship money is applied to your account first and then the amount of your VA benefits are calculated.
The VA will not pay for W grades. If you withdraw and earn W grades in all of your classes, you will owe the VA the money for those classes.
WAVE at 1.877.823.2378 for monthly verification if you are receiving Chapter 30 or Chapter 1606 benefits

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